A Green Breakfast

When I start out my morning, I am looking for a quick and easy breakfast that will fill me up while providing my body with all of the nutrients it needs to start the day. As I decide on a bDSC_0046reakfast, I am also looking to spend as little as possible. It is easy to get carried away when searching for a healthy meal and spend way too much money. I start almost every day with a green smoothie. Green smoothies are quick, delicious, full of nutrients, and very affordable. A green smoothie for breakfast can easily cost you less than two dollars per smoothie.

What You Need:

• Greens (I like to use a mixture of spinach and kale)

• Bananas

• Almond Butter (or coconut butter)

• Almond Milk* (or other non-dairy milk of your choice)DSC_0039

I love to start by peeling and freezing my bananas beforehand, this way they last longer, and I have no need to add ice to make my smoothie cold.

When I am ready to make my smoothie, I blend:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 2-3 tablespoons of almond butter
  • About 1 cup of greens
  • As much almond milk as needed to make the mixture a smooth and drinkable consistency (usually around 1 cup).

If you are looking to save even more money, you can also use some water in your smoothie to cut down on the amount of milk you are using. The result is a yummy and healthy breakfast that will make your body happy. With just these ingredients, you are starting your day with greens, protein, healthy and filling fats, and potassium. That is just the tip of the iceberg of good for you nutrients that you will get from this smoothie. By starting your morning with the fats and protein in this smoothie, you are giving your body long-lasting fuel that will help you make it to lunch without feeling sluggish or hungry. This green breakfast is also very good for your wallet, and it is very quick and convenient. It is the perfect on-the-go way to start your day.

*I like to use Silk almond milk because it is GMO and carrageenan free 🙂


4 thoughts on “A Green Breakfast

  1. cynthiatfr says:

    These are some terrific ideas for a healthy smoothie. Even though carrageenan is a natural product, it is terrible for you, so I’m glad you mentioned it.

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